Friday, January 18, 2013

Tiger Cake

Few days back I watched Zebra cake in a Pakistani cooking channel.  That day onwards I was thinking to make it as well as worried if it will come well or not. Somehow I managed it. But, (hehe) zebra became tiger (because my 2nd portion of batter liquefied more). As this is the first time I know I messed it a bit. Please bear with me. Next time definitely I will serve a gorgeous Zebraaaaa.
  • 2 cups plain/all purpose  flour
  • 1 tablespoon baking powder
  • 2 tablespoons dark cocoa powder
  • 4 large eggs, at room temperature
  • 1 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 cup milk, at room temperature
  • 1 cup vegetable oil
  • 1 tsp vanilla essence

Pre heat the oven at 180 degree C.
 Lightly grease a cake pan or line it with parchment paper /baking paper.
In a bowl, combine flour and baking powder.
For wet ingredients in a large mixing bowl, combine eggs and sugar until the mixture is creamy. Add milk, oil and vanilla essence, and beat until well blended.
Gradually add the flour mixture to the wet ingredients and beat just until the batter is smooth and the dry ingredients are thoroughly incorporated.
 Divide the mixture into 2 equal portions. Keep one portion plain & add cocoa powder to another and mix well
 Pour 2 ladle of plain batter into the middle of the baking pan. Then pour 2 ladle of cocoa batter in the center on top of the plain batter. THIS IS IMPORTANT PART OF THE CAKE. Do not stop and wait until the previous batter spreads It will spread by itself..
Bake in the oven for about 40 minutes.
Then leave the cake for another 10 minutes in the oven.
 Do not open the oven door to avoid shrinking of cake. To check if the cake is ready, insert a toothpick into the centre.
 It should come out clean when ready. Remove from the oven. Let it cool.
Then cut it & serve. Enjoy the yummy sounds of your family members.

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