Monday, May 13, 2013

Soup Bread Stick

  • 3cups flour
  • 2tsp sugar
  • 3/4 tsp salt
  • 11gram instant dried yeast
  • 1 ½ cup luke warm water
  • 2 tbsp veg oil
  • Egg wash: 2 tbsp beaten egg + 1 tbsp water (vegetarian can use warm milk with sugar as a wash)
  • Garnish: Sesame seeds
  • In a bowl, add the yeast and sugar with luke warm water. Set aside for 5 minutes. 
  • Then in a big bowl mix this together with the flour & salt.
  • Cover the bowl with plastic wrap or wet cloth and keep at  warm place  to rise in volume for more than one to two hours.
  • Take lime sized balls out of the dough and shape it like thin sticks.
  • If you want you can give shape by twisting or curving or you can keep it plain.
  • Greased baking tray with veg oil.
  • Put the strips on the baking tray maintaining I inches gap in between.
  • Close with a wet muslin cloth and keep aside for 1/2 an hour for second rising.
  • Pre heat the oven with maximum temperature.
  • Apply egg wash with brush on top of the sticks.
  • Garnish with sesame seeds.
  • Bake this for 8-10 minutes and reduce the temperature to 100C.
  • Turn the sticks gently once and bake till golden brown and crisp. Let it cool.
  • Keep in dry air tight containers.

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